Announcement of Opportunity (AO) to utilize Chandrayaan-2 data:
The Chandrayaan-2 mission was successfully launched on 22nd July 2019 at 14:43 hrs by GSLV MkIII-M1 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota. After a series of Earth bound manoeuvres, the spacecraft entered into Lunar Transfer Trajectory (LTT) on August 14th. Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) manoeuvre was performed on August 20th, thereby Chandrayaan-2 was successfully inserted into the elliptical orbit around the Moon. This was followed by a series of Lunar bound orbit maneuvers for reducing the orbit to circular polar orbit around the Moon.

To further strengthen the Indian research community for lunar science studies, Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter payloads data are made available to public and scientific proposals are solicited for scientific analysis by ISRO.
Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter is currently in a 100 km x 100 km circular polar orbit around the Moon, carries 8 experiments for studies ranging from surface geology and composition to exospheric measurements that would continue to build upon the understanding from previous lunar missions. On Dec 24, 2020 Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter payloads data were released to public for scientific analysis.

Subsequently in July, 2021 next sets of data were released from payloads. A few science results by payload science teams are already published in International peer reviewed journals. The Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter payloads are generating high quality data, which are made available in public domain ( for scientific analysis. More data sets will be added to this as acquired by various payloads.
Objective of the AO:
To enhance the science outcome from the Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter payloads, ISRO seek scientific proposals from the national scientific community through this AO, towards scientific analysis and utilisation of data from all experiments of Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter. The AO is open to all researchers from recognized academic institutions, Universities, Colleges, Planetaria and government organizations of India.
How to write and submit the proposal:
The selection of the research proposal by review committee depends on the write-up of the proposal with respect to the novelty of the idea, innovative science and useful output in terms of enhancing scientific knowledge. A research proposal which are beyond the capability of the payloads will not be considered. Therefore, it is important for the proposer to understand the capability of the payload with respect to intended science. The instrumentation details of the payloads are published in the journal Current Science. Proposer may also contact Principal Investigators (PIs) of the payloads for more details. The contact details are available at PRADAN page ( of Indian Space Science Data Centre (ISSDC) of ISRO.
The complete proposal form to be forwarded by Head of the Institutions along with the seal. The hard copy of the form to be sent to the following address:
Science Programme Office
ISRO Head Quarters, Antariksh Bhavan,
New BEL Road,
The soft copy of the proposal to be mailed to ch2spo[at]isro[dot]gov[dot]in with the subject Attn : Ch2 data AO. A proposal received without a forwarding letter from the Head of the Institution will not be considered.
Who can submit proposal:
Proposals could be submitted by individuals or a group of scientists and academicians belonging to national institutions, Universities, Colleges, planetaria and government organizations of India. Only those having a minimum remaining service of four years before superannuation are eligible to lead the project as PI. The proposals must be forwarded through the Head of the Institutions, with appropriate assurance for providing necessary facilities for carrying out the project under this AO programme.
Review of the proposal
In order to identify the most optimum suite of proposals, the proposers may be requested to interact with a review committee constituted by ISRO as and when required. The final selected proposals are expected to incorporate suggestions made by the review committee.
Project duration:
It is expected that project to be completed within 3 years. PIs are expected to present the results in a science workshop to be conducted as and when announced. PIs are also requested to present the results from these studies in national/international peer reviewed journals and present their results in national/international conferences/symposia.
Support for the selected proposals:
The selected project proposals through this AO will be provided limited financial support towards meeting the salary of a research student, computational facility, contingencies and limited support to attend project meetings and workshops. The project duration is for three years starting from the release of the fund.
In addition, the PIs of the selected proposals are encouraged to take about maximum of three project Interns in the duration of the project. The duration of each project intern may be of 6 months and he/she may be in final year of M.Sc/ M.Tech. The project intern is to be used only for Chandrayaan-2 payload data analysis. ISRO may provide limited funding support (up to Rs 10, 000 per month) to the project intern as stipend.
The PI of the selected AO proposals are encouraged to conduct about one lunar workshop each year and outreach activities at their own place of research. ISRO may provide limited funding support towards the workshop. The scope of the workshop to be worked out jointly by PI and Science Programme Office – ISRO HQ.
Important note:
Any update or modifications to this AO will be reflected in the revised AO which will be posted on under ‘Updates’. The proposers are requested to check the above URL periodically to keep themselves updated.
Guidelines for Proposal Preparation
The Principal Investigator (PI) should submit the proposal in a format described in the following sections.
The format for proposal includes a Declaration to be signed by the Principal Investigator and the Head of the Institution.
Instructions for Submitting a Proposal
Proposals should be limited to around 10 pages in length on standard A4 size paper, typed double-spaced and in the prescribed format. Two hardcopies of the proposal prepared as per the formats given in Annexure-1, Annexure -2 and Annexure 3 are to be sent to:
Science Programme Office
ISRO Head Quarters, Antariksh Bhavan,
New BEL Road,
The duly signed soft copies of the proposal to be mailed to ch2spo[at]isro[dot]gov[dot]in with the subject Attn: Ch2 data AO
Description of the Proposal
The main part of the proposal should contain a summary (briefing the objectives, methodology, tools/platform to be used, deliverables of the project, milestone events and the time schedule), followed by a detailed description of the objectives and the scientific rationale being addressed. The data requirement and the analysis methods should be highlighted. The methodology or approach to be followed, the expected results of the project must be presented. Targeted schedule for various milestones of the project must be indicated including the completion date.
Project Duration
It is expected that the project will be completed within 3 years. PIs are expected to present the results in a science workshop to be conducted as and when announced by ISRO. PIs are also expected to publish the results from these studies in national/international peer reviewed journals and present their results in national/international conferences/symposia.
Data Requirements
As described in section 10.2, the proposal should identify and utilize payloads data sets for the proposed study. The project proposals should clearly indicate the study area and the data sets required. The details of the data sets can be obtained from PRADAN webpage (
The project may involve joint efforts involving many individuals from the concerned institution(s). However, only one PI will be recognized. Other participants could be designated as “Co-Investigators”. PI/Co-Investigator shall provide Curriculum Vitae (CV) referring to educational qualifications, the work carried out in the related areas and list of recent publications. The PI is responsible for ensuring timely completion of the project. The assurance of necessary administrative and financial spending support to PI and Co-Investigators from Head of the Institution(s) is a must. Every project can appoint a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) as per RESPOND norms ( . He/ She may be encouraged to take up Ph.D. In addition, the PIs of the selected proposals are encouraged to take about maximum of three project Interns in the duration of the project. The duration of each project intern may be of 6 months and he/she may be in final year of M.Sc/ M.Tech. The project intern to be used only for Chandrayaan-2 payload data analysis. ISRO may provide limited funding support (up to Rs 10, 000 per month) to the project intern as stipend.
Facilities and Equipment
Describe available computer facilities, image analysis software packages and other equipment in the home institution or in sister concerns that are accessible for the project.
Project Evaluation
It is proposed that a workshop will be conducted by ISRO at the end of every year for the purpose of reviewing the progress of the AO projects and sharing the results with lunar scientific community. PIs of each project are expected to attend these workshops and brief about the progress of the respective project to the reviewers.
Terms and Conditions
- ISRO reserves the right to scrutinize or reject any or all proposals received in response to this AO, or suggest a modification to the proposal.
- ISRO reserves the right to choose any project(s) proposals received in response to this AO, depending upon need, novelty of intended applications, innovative science, suitability, delivery and merits. The decision of ISRO shall be treated as final.
- ISRO reserves the right to revoke in part or in whole its support for a project at any time without assigning any reason.
- It shall be declared and ensured by the PIs of the selected project proposal under this AO, that any/all analysis conducted as part of this project shall not use any pirated/un-licensed copy of the analysis software used.
- All proposals will be reviewed by a review committee constituted by ISRO. PIs and their team shall cooperate with the members of the review committee for the review of their proposal.
- Scientific results obtained as part of the project proposal by PIs or any other, shall not be allowed to be used for marketing/business purposes without prior permission from ISRO. ISRO reserves the right to accord permission on such cases, considering the overall national interests.
- Any/ All Intellectual Property (IP) Rights such as patents, copyrights, design rights etc. acquired by the research academic/institute or the PI, through this project proposal, shall be jointly owned by ISRO and the research institute.
- Proposal shall give a declaration that if the proposal is selected for funding by ISRO, PI shall not submit the same proposal for funding support from other agencies.
- Any commercialization of such IP rights shall be done by the research institute only with the consent / permission of ISRO, on specific terms and conditions, which shall be determined on a case by case basis mutually as per its standard practices for such activities.
- The user will make available to the scientific community the salient results of the AO projects through publication in appropriate journals or other established channels. Acknowledgement of ISRO support/ funding must be made in all reports and publications arising out of the AO projects. Copies of all publications resulting from these research projects must be submitted to the Science Programme Office, ISRO HQ. All those who use the data are expected to register and download the data from ISSDC-PRADAN website. ISSDC to be duly acknowledged as per the format provided in the ISSDC website.
- The PI is required to submit yearly progress report during the duration of the project to the Science Programme Office, ISRO HQ. A detailed report is to be submitted during the mid-term and final reviews in soft copy form.
- General rules and guidelines of RESPOND will be followed (
The declaration contained in the proposal format must be signed by the PI and Head of the Institution (Annexure 3). Otherwise the proposal will not be considered valid and will be rejected.
Deadline for submission of proposals: Oct 31, 2021
For more details, Please visit ISRO website.