- Organization: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
- Location: Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
- Deadline: latest by 5.00 PM at the end of 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement i.e. Friday, 10.02.2023 in the MoEFCC website.
Job Description (Senior Consultant/Consultant)
Applications are invited for short-term engagement of one Consultant (Strategy, Programme implementation and Information Technology) in the National Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management Authority (National Authority), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi. The short-term contract circular is available on
website of www.moef.nic.in.

The National Compensatory Aforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (National Authority) invites applications from eligible candidates for engagement of one Senior Consultant/Consultant (Strategy, Programme implementation and Information Technology) on contract basis initially for a period of one year, which may be extended after review of the performance of the incumbent.
Interested individuals fulfilling the requisite qualification and experience may apply and send his/her application through email to [email protected] in the given application form (Annexure-1) along with CV and all supporting documents (photographs, qualification, experience, references) latest by 5.00 PM at the end of 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement i.e. Friday, 10.02.2023 in the MoEFCC website.
The National Authority reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in full or all the applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. Only candidates whose candidature has been provisionally accepted shall be called for interview. No TA/DA will be provided for appearing for the interview. The details of position including the eligibility criteria, Terms of
Reference (TOR) etc., are as under:
The Senior Consultant/ Consultant will be responsible for following works:
b. Assisting the National Authority in developing e-strategies for improving the quality and timeliness of task delivery with digital interface, improving the quality of planning and identification of critical gaps.
c. Assisting the National Authority in developing an effective mechanism for coordination with the State Authorities and organizations utilizing CAMPA fund and improving processes, systems and GIS based technology in CAMPA activities.
d. Developing a framework for preparation of a standardized online APO portal by the States including integration with PARIVESH Portal and uploading of data on eGreenwatch Portal for monitoring and developing a dashboard for CAMPA works for collating and managing data related to diversion of forest land and mapping it with afforestation works.
e. Developing/upgrading an integrated data management system for real-time access, retrieval, analysis and reporting and query based extraction of data for customized specific needs.
f. Assisting the National Authority or any committee constituted by the Authority in the preparation of e-plan for the Authority and finalisation of Annual Plans.
g. Organizing IT related workshops for capacity building of forestry personnel.
h. Any other work related to IT and GIS assigned by the National Authority.
II Qualification and Experience:
a. Master’s (or equivalent) degree in Science/Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Computer Science Information Technology with specialization in Database
Administration and MIS from a recognised University.
b. 5-10 years of experience of providing strategic, programme implementation and technological support to Government organizations/industries/academic institutions.
c. Strong analytical and quantitative skills
d. Ability to work effectively in teams as well as independently
e. Strong written and verbal communication skills
Desirable: Having experience of working on GIS and MIS platform.
III. Age Limit: Not above 63 years on the date of advertisement.
IV. Consolidated remuneration: Rs.80,000/- per month and Rs. 1,20,000/- per month for Senior Consultant.
However, in case of a retired Government Servants a fixed monthly amount shall be admissible as per the extant rules, orders and guidelines of the Govermment of India, arrived at by deducting the basis pension from the basic pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of contract. There will be no annual/percentage increase during the contract period.
Download Official Detailed Notification: Click Here
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Job Category | Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Geo-informatics, Govt GIS Jobs, IT, RS and GIS |