- Organization: The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA)
- Location: New Delhi
- Deadline:
Job Description (Consultant|Research Associate)
The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body established in 2005 under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). The main objective of this Authority is to strengthen tiger conservation in the country under the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The role of the NTCA is to provide central and technical consultations to the tiger bearing states and tiger reserves through advisories/normative guidelines, based on appraisal of tiger status, ongoing conservation initiatives, within the ambit of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 and guidelines of Project Tiger/NTCA. Additionally, NTCA also leads the country wide assessment of the status of tiger, co-predators, prey and habitat once in four years. To assist the authority and further support the expansion of its works, applications are now invited for the contractual engagement for the following posts.

Terms of engagement:
i. Duties and responsibilities: To assist the Authority on Data collection and compilation from Tiger Reserves; Scientific data archiving and analysis; Consultation with states and tiger reserves; Writing reports, popular articles, plans, map preparation; Examination, scrutiny and analysis of projects received from Regional Offices, states and tiger reserves; Communication and social media networking; Training and coordination with all relevant stakeholders; Awareness generation. The job occasionally requires extensive traveling to forest interiors, wildlife areas and arduous terrains across India.
ii. Period of Engagement: The post is temporary and purely contractual. The initial tenure of engagement would be for a period of one year and extendable upto three years subject to performance and presence of the professional in the Authority is being highly useful. The period of engagement will be assessed on half yearly basis and specified so for continuation if required and the performance is found satisfactory.
iii. The monthly emoluments are consolidated. There may be annual increment as per extant rules depending upon performance of the candidate after evaluation by a Competent Authority.
iv. The headquarter will be at New Delhi with occasional field visits to remotest forested areas in the country, as and when required.
v. The contractual appointment would be on full-time basis and the appointed person will not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of engagement with the NTCA. As the post is contractual, in no case any request for promotion or absorption as permanent employee shall be entertained.
vi. Leave: The selected candidates will be entitled for Eight (8) days leave during the contractual period of one year subject to prior approval of the reponing authority. Un-availed leave in tenure of single year will not be carried forward to next tenure.
vii. No extra remuneration shall be allowed for working beyond office hours or on Saturdays/Sunday/Gazetted Holidays. Compensatory leave in such cases shall be at the discretion of the Divisional Head.
viii. The attendance shall be marked in the Biometric System.
ix. The internal reports/data made available to Consultants/Research Associate during his/her engagement in the Ministry shall not be used by the Consultants/Research Associate for publishing research papers/books or otherwise. The Ministry has prerogative to initiate disciplinary action or any other action, as deemed fit on the nature and level of guilty found if any in this context.
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Job Category | Agricultural Science, Earth Science, Geo-informatics, Geography, Govt GIS Jobs, Wildlife, Zoology |