- Organization: Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)
- Location: Dehradun, India
- Close Date to Apply: 09 October 2021 at 1730 hrs
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), one of the leading Centers of ISRO is looking for Technical Apprentices (Engineering disciplines, Commercial Practice, MOM and Library Sciences) and Graduate Apprentices (GIS and Library Science) to be engaged under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Amended Act of 1973, for the training year 2021-22 in the following designated disciplines. Applications are invited from candidates meeting the following qualifications for engagement as Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961/1973 (as amended from time to time) in the trade/disciplines mentioned below:

- The period of training will be 12 months commencing from execution of the contract of Apprenticeship.
- Stipend:
- Technician Apprentice : Rs 8000/- per month*
- Graduate Apprentice : Rs 9000/- per month*.
As notified by BOAT (NR) / in accordance to the latest Govt. of India orders*
- Interested candidates may visit IIRS website and fill the application form online for from 22/09/2021 onwards. Last date for application submission is 09/10/2021 at 1730 hrs. Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this Circular.
- All correspondence with candidates shall be done through email only. Responsibility of downloading and printing of Application form/offer letter shall be that of the candidates. IIRS, Dehradun will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent due to invalid / wrong e-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery email to SPAM/BULK mail folder etc.
- Selected candidates have to submit the “Medical Fitness Certificate” at the time of joining.
- The Engineering Graduates or Diploma Holders in Engineering and Commercial Practice, who have passed out during the year 2018, 2019, 2020 or 2021 are only eligible to undergo apprenticeship i.e. only if they join within 3 years of acquiring the Degree (i.e. 3 years from the month and year of passing as specified in the Degree certificate) and if this time limit is crossed at the time of offer, they will not be offered the training position, even if they are empaneled/waitlisted. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination earlier than 2018 are not eligible. Those candidates who have completed the qualifying examination as regular candidates are only eligible to apply.
- Diploma / Graduate courses (mentioned in Table A & B above) must be recognized by State Technical Board / University from Northern Region (Delhi, Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladhakh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand) will be considered only (under administrative control of Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT), -Northern Region, Min of HRD, Govt. of India, Kanpur, U.P.). Candidates from other B.O.A.T. Regions / Universities / Colleges located in states other than mentioned above will be rejected summarily.
- IMPORTANT: – CANDIDATES WHO ARE ONLINE REGISTERED / ENROLLED WITH BOARD OF APPRENTICE TRAINING (NORTHERN REGION), KANPUR THROUGH PORTAL www.mhrdnats.gov.in ARE ONLY ELIGIBLE TO APPLY. BEFORE APPLYING CANDIDATES MUST CAREFULLY SEE THAT THEY ARE REGISTERED AND APPROVED WITH BOAT (NR) FOR THE RELEVANT QUALIFYING DISCIPLINE /FIELD / SUBJECT. Selected candidates contract etc. will be registered under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Amended Act of 1973 through online portal only for which they have to accept the online contract generated immediately after induction of training.
- The induction of apprentices against the 2021-22 training places will be made strictly based on the position in the panel subject to the availability of vacancies with due weightage to reservation categories.
- Selection shall be based on the merit list prepared based on final marks secured by the candidate in the designated field / discipline at the qualifying degree/diploma level. The training of new batch is expected to start in October 2021. BOAT (NR) enrolled candidates details must be available on the www.mhrdnats.gov.in portal. Candidates who are registered with MHRDNATS will have to compulsorily submit their application online in response to this advertisement through our website www.iirs.gov.in to be considered.
- Ex-Apprentices or Apprentices currently undergoing training or having job experience in Govt./Public/Private Sectors for a period of one year or more as on date of joining as Apprentices are not eligible to be considered for the above Apprenticeship training. Combining of apprenticeship with other institutions is not permitted.
- Those candidates with one year or more job experience in the relevant field either in Govt. / Public/Private Sectors are not eligible.
- Upper age limit is 30 years as on closing date of application 09/10/2021 (33 years for OBC, 35 years for SC/ST. Additional 10 year relaxation for PWD candidates in their respective categories). For training place mentioned at Sl. No. 7, the maximum age limit is 24 years (27 for OBC, 29 for SC/ST. Additional 10 year relaxation for PWD candidates in their respective categories. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD (OH/PH) candidates is applicable as per Govt. of India Rules is shown against the training places.
- Candidates will be empaneled according to the procedure mentioned at paras S.No.9 and S.No.10 and will be called for induction based on their position number in merit list subject to the availability of vacancies. The candidates who are enrolled with www.mhrdnats.gov.in will be only be considered and inducted against vacant training places. Since contracts for the selected candidates will be generated online through www.mhrdnats.gov.in portal, hence their registration details must available on the portal for our verification on searching with their 16 digit allotted enrollment number provided to us in application form.
- Empanelment/ Short listing of candidates will be on the basis of information furnished in the email communication. If there is any discrepancy is found in name, age, Diploma/Degree percentage & year of passing, caste/tribe, etc., at any stage, it will be considered as disqualification of the candidature and the candidate will have no claim for Apprenticeship training.
- Only shortlisted /empaneled candidates will be called for documents verification and further process subject to availability of vacant positions for Apprenticeship. Candidates will have to produce all the relevant documents in original (proof for date of birth, mark sheets, testimonials & certificates of all educational qualification, caste/tribe/disability certificate, etc., in prescribed format) as and when asked for, failing which the candidate will be considered disqualified for Apprenticeship training.
- All the online applicants are required to upload scanned copy, if required in the online application FORM, of their 10th, 12th and their final semester/year marks sheet of their qualifying diploma/graduate clearly showing their marks secured out of Total Marks. Scanned copies should be clear and readable (please avoid mobile camera photograph of your marks sheet).
- Applications of candidates who fail to upload the documents as mentioned in para 17 will not be considered. Incomplete / Incorrect applications and candidates who have not enrolled / registered themselves with BOAT (NR) through their portal www.mhrdnats.gov.in and whose details are not available on the search on the portal shall be summarily rejected.
- Candidates will be required to bring true copies along with original of certificate and consolidated mark list of their degree /diploma qualification and proof of date of birth (copy of SSC/AISSE/ICSE/SSLC) when called for verification before start of training. Their details of the candidates will be cross verified from the details/documents uploaded by the candidates on the www.mhrdnat portal. Copies of experience, if any, copy of community certificate (if belongs to SC/ST), Non-Creamy layer certificate (if belongs to OBC), Disability certificate (if PH candidate) also to be furnished. Candidates shortlisted for document verification are not eligible for Travelling Allowance.
- The candidates who have passed sandwich courses, obtained private degree, short term/certificate courses, etc. or candidates pursuing higher studies (Example B.E./ B.Tech. in case of Diploma holders & M.E./M.Tech in case of Graduates, etc.) are not acceptable. Only Indian nationals need apply.
- Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance. Keeping in mind the above principle the women candidates are encouraged to apply.
- The trainees will have no claim whatsoever for employment in Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun or any other Centers/Units of Indian Space and Research Organization / Department of Space after completion of the training period. No accommodation will be provided by the Centre/Institute for Apprentices during the training period.
- INTERESTED CANDIDATES MUST BE ENROLLED / REGISTERED WITH BOAT (NR), KANPUR THROUGH THEIR PORTAL WWW.MHRDNATS.GOV.IN AND MUST HAVE 16 DIGIT ONLINE ENROLLEMENT / REGISTRATION NUMBER ALLOTTED & APPROVED BY BOAT (Northern Region), KANPUR. Candidates who wish to apply and are not registered must first enroll / register their names with Board of Apprenticeship Training (Northern Region), Kanpur through their portal website www.mhrdnats.gov.in before applying for the training.
- After online enrollment / registration on www.mhrdnats.gov.in BOAT (NR) will approve their registration and the candidate will be given 16 digit registration number. Candidates applying for the identified training place for the subject of their choice must compulsorily quote their 16 digit enrollment number along with their copies of certificates.
ONLY ONLINE applications will be accepted.
Official Notification: Click Here
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