Internship opportunities in NASA for Landsat Satellite Mission

The Landsat mission is seeking interns this Spring 2022 to provide support to the Landsat Communications and Outreach team in the development of interactive media.

Source: NASA

The team develops communications products (e.g., articles, posters, web content) and activities (e.g., board games, hands-on activities, interactive content) to educate the public about how the Landsat satellite instruments work, how satellite images are created and analyzed, and how Landsat data provide essential information to help land managers and policy makers make wise decisions about our resources and our environment.

Landsat is a joint NASA/USGS mission that provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence.

**Application deadline extended to Friday, November 26, 2021**

Apply for the Landsat Multimedia Developer Internship:

Apply for the Landsat Outreach Animator Internship:

Additionally, this opportunity will be mentored through the NASA Office of Communications in support of the Landsat mission, and will entail video-story telling. Apply here:

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