- Organization: National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)
- Location: New Delhi
- Deadline: 07/12/2021 (5:30 p.m).
Job Description (Scientist-‘C’, Scientist ‘D’)
1. On behalf of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), applications are invited from eligible and qualified candidates for the post of Scientist-‘C’ and Scientist-‘D’ in MeitY.
The detailed Advertisement is available at a) https://recruitment-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ b) meity.gov.in (d) nielit.gov.in
For fulfilling the eligibility criteria, a candidate should possess one of the Essential Educational Qualifications from a University/Institution established under either Central or State or UGC Act and requisite experience as indicated in the Table given below complete in all respects, by last date of receipt of applications ( i.e. 07/12/2021). Details of essential qualifications, experience, upper age limit, Scale of pay are as under:
Sl. No (1) | Name of the post and classification (2) | Scale of Pay/ Level in Pay Matrix (3) | Essential Qualifications (4) | Essential and Relevant Experience (Post Essential Qualification Experience) (5) | Upper Age Limit (6) |
01. | Scientist-‘C’ (General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial (Scientific & Technical)) | Level – 11, (Rs.67700- 208700) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Bachelor Degree in Technology (Bachelor in Engineering or Bachelor in Technology) or Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B-level or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers or Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers or Master Degree in Science (M.Sc.) or Master Degree in Computer Application or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology (ME or M.Tech.) or Masters Degree in Philosophy (MPhil) in the field as mentioned below:- Field (single or in combination): Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics, Electronics and Communication or Electronics and telecommunication, Radio Physics and Electronics, Materials Science, Computer Sciences or Computer Science and Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer, Computer and Networking Security, Computer Application, Software System or Software Engineering, Information Technology, Information Technology Management, Informatics, Computer Management, Cyber Law, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Production, Industrial Electronics, Instrumentation, Electronics and Instrumentation, Power Electronics. | Minimum Relevant Experience: Four Years in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations or in both. Note: The above experience shall be applicable in respect of candidates having Bachelor in Engineering or Bachelor in Technology or Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B Level or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers or Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers or Master Degree in Science or Master in Computer Application qualifications, and for Candidates having master Degree in Engineering or Master Degree in Technology or Master Degree in Philosophy, two years relaxation in above experience shall be applicable. After acquiring essential qualification, the candidate must have relevant experience in one or more areas in Research and Development or Design or Integration and implementation of Information Technology Solution or Testing or Quality Control or Capacity Development in the areas of Electronics, Control and Automation or e-governance or Information Technology or Computer Science or Cyber Security or Micro Electronics or Nano Technology or Communication including Data Communications or Network and Software Engineering or Medical Electronics or Industrial Engineering or Production Engineering or Cyber Law. | 35 Years as on closing date for receipt of applicat ions |
02 | Scientific ‘D’ (General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial (Scientific & Technical)) | Level – 12, (Rs.78800- 209200) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Bachelor Degree in Technology (Bachelor in Engineering or Bachelor in Technology) or Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B-level or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers or Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers or Master Degree in Science (M.Sc.) or Master Degree in Computer Application or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology (ME or M.Tech.) or Masters Degree in Philosophy (MPhil) in the field as mentioned below:- Field (single or in combination): Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics, Electronics and Communication or Electronics and telecommunication, Radio Physics and Electronics, Materials Science, Computer Sciences or Computer Science and Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer, Computer and Networking Security, Computer Application, Software System or Software Engineering, Information Technology, Information Technology Management, Informatics, Computer Management, Cyber Law, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Production, Industrial Electronics, Instrumentation, Electronics and Instrumentation, Power Electronics. | Minimum Relevant Experience: Eight Years in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations or in both. Note: The above experience shall be applicable in respect of candidates having Bachelor in Engineering or Bachelor in Technology or Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B Level or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers or Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers or Master Degree in Science or Master in Computer Application qualifications, and for Candidates having master Degree in Engineering or Master Degree in Technology or Master Degree in Philosophy, two years relaxation in above experience shall be applicable. After acquiring essential qualification, the candidate must have relevant experience in one or more areas in Research and Development or Design or Integration and implementation of Information Technology Solution or Testing or Quality Control or Capacity Development in the areas of Electronics, Control and Automation or e-governance or Information Technology or Computer Science or Cyber Security or Micro Electronics or Nano Technology or Communication including Data Communications or Network and Software Engineering or Medical Electronics or Industrial Engineering or Production Engineering or Cyber Law. | 40 Years as on closing date for receipt of applicat ions. |
2.1 Details of Vacancies:

- The number of vacancies indicated in the above table are tentative and may increase or decrease, depending upon requirements.
- There is no vacancy reserved for PWD category. However the posts are identified suitable for PWD candidates falling under category
2.2 Age Limit:
• Upper Age limit as denoted in table (Column 6) above as on closing date of receipt of applications i.e. 07/12/2021
• The upper age limit in respect of SC, ST, OBC (wherever posts are reserved) and Persons with Disabilities (minimum 40% disability)
and other special categories of persons shall be relaxable as per Govt. Rules and Orders issued from time to time.
• The upper age limit in respect of Government Servants, Ex-servicemen and other special categories of persons are relaxable in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government, from time to time, in this regard.
Age relaxation:
i) Upto 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates for the posts reserved for them
ii) Upto 03 years in case of OBC(Non Creamy Layer (NCL)) candidates for the posts reserved for them
iii Upto 10 years for PWD (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates).
iv) For ex-servicemen, as per rules.
v) 5 years for serving Central Civilian Govt. employees working in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship could be established that the service already rendered in a particular post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of the advertised posts. Decision in this regard will rest with MeitY.
2.3 Place of Posting: The person selected may be posted anywhere in INDIA in the interest of the Organization.
3. Choice of Centre for Written Examinations and Interview: Candidates shall indicate their choice for Centre for Written Examination
from the cities listed below. No change of Centre will be permissible at a later date. NIELIT, however, reserves the right to direct the
candidate to appear for Written Test at any location irrespective of his indicated choice depending upon the number of applications received
and the administrative convenience.
(1) Bangalore (2) Chennai (3) Delhi (4) Jaipur (5) Guwahati (6) Hyderabad (7) Jammu (8) Kolkata (9) Lucknow (10) Mumbai
Interviews shall be conducted only at Delhi.
4. Selection Process
i. The Direct recruitment to the posts of Scientist C and Scientist D would be done through a three stage process i.e Screening Test,
Evaluation of the academic records followed by personal interaction/ interview.
ii. The Screening Test would be of qualifying nature and would comprise of multiple choice Questions (MCQ) on Reasoning, Basic
Mathematics, English, Aptitude, Attitude and Leadership Quality.
iii. The Screening Test would consist of 150 nos. of Multiple Choice Questions to be answered in 150 minutes.
iv. Candidates qualifying the Screening Test with Minimum 60% marks would only be considered eligible to fill up the main application
form for the posts of Scientist C and Scientist D for next level of selection process. In case sufficient number of candidates in OBC, SC and ST categories are not available with minimum 60% marks in the Screening Tests, then qualifying marks could be relaxed to 50% for OBC category and 40% for SC/ST categories (wherever post are reserved)
v. The list of candidates qualifying the Screening Test would, however, be restricted by applying a ratio of 1:6 ( i.e six candidates for each
post) in the order of merit and reservation to qualify the first stage.
vi. The applications qualifying the first stage would be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee and marks would be awarded for various
parameters like academic qualifications, experience, publications etc. The details of various parameters and weightage of marks are as
indicated below:
1. Norms for the post of Scientist “C” | |||
S.No | Particulars | Weightage of Marks | Max Marks |
(a) | Matriculation (Class X) | 0.1 Mark for each percent | 10 Marks |
(b) | 10+2 (Intermediate) | 0.2 Mark for each percent | 20 Marks |
(c) | GATE Score (marks out of 100) | 0.05 mark for each percent | 05 Marks |
(d) | Essential Qualification i.e basic qualification required for the post | 0.4 Mark for each percent in the degree of Essential Qualification | 40 Marks |
(e) | Ph.D. in relevant field | Full Marks for awarded Ph.D. Degree | 10 Marks |
(f) | Experience in relevant field (Maximum 4 years in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ Private would be considered) | 4.5 Marks for each completed year in Govt./ Semi-Government in the relevant field at an appropriate level after completion of essential qualification. 3 Marks for each completed year in private organisation in the relevant field and at an appropriate level after completion of essential qualification. | 18 Marks |
(g) | Journal Publications | 2 Marks for publication of each paper in International Journal and 1 Mark for publication of each paper in National Journal, having Impact Factor of at-least One and indexed in any of the following: (i) Web of Science [SCI (Science Citation Index), SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), SCI-expanded (Science Citation Index Expanded)] OR (ii) SCOPUS | 12 Marks |
(h) | Conference Publications | 1 Mark for each Conference Paper presented and published in SCOPUS/ IEEE/Springer indexed Conference proceedings. | 05 Marks |
(i) | Interview/ Personal Interaction | 30 Marks | |
Total | 150 Marks |
2. Norms for the post of Scientist “D” | |||
S.No | Particulars | Weightage of Marks | Max Marks |
(a) | Matriculation (Class X) | 0.08 Mark for each percent | 08 Marks |
(b) | 10+2 (Intermediate) | 0.12 Mark for each percent | 12 Marks |
(c) | GATE Score (marks out of 100) | 0.05 mark for each percent | 05 Marks |
(d) | Essential Qualification i.e basic qualification required for the post | 0.4 Mark for each percent in the degree of Essential Qualification | 40 Marks |
(e) | Ph.D. in relevant field | Full Marks for awarded Ph.D. Degree | 10 Marks |
(f) | Experience in relevant field (Maximum 8 years in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ Private would be considered) | 3 Marks for each completed year in Govt./ Semi-Government in the relevant field at an appropriate level after completion of essential qualification. 2 Marks for each completed year in private organisation in the relevant field and at an appropriate level after completion of essential qualification. | 24 Marks |
(g) | Journal Publications | 2 Marks for publication of each paper in International Journal and 1 Mark for publication of each paper in National Journal, having Impact Factor of at-least One and indexed in any of the following: (i) Web of Science [SCI (Science Citation Index), SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), SCI- expanded (Science Citation Index Expanded)] OR (ii) SCOPUS | 14 Marks |
(h) | Conference Publications | 1 Mark for each Conference Paper presented and published in SCOPUS/ IEEE/Springer indexed Conference proceedings. | 07 Marks |
Interview/ Personal Interaction | 30 Marks | ||
Total | 150 Marks |
vii. A merit list of shortlisted candidates would be drawn based on the marks obtained out of 120 marks (excluding 30 marks for interview)
and candidates in the ratio of 1:3 would be called for personal interaction/ interview i.e for each post, three candidates would be called
for interview in the order of merit and reservation.
viii. Final Merit List would be prepared based on the marks obtained out of a maximum of 150 marks i.e marks obtained in the Evaluation
process (max 120 marks) and in the interview (max 30 marks) would be added to arrive at the final score.
ix. The selected candidates for the post of Scientist-D shall be on probation for one year and Scientist-C on probation period of 2 years
a. All subjects offered at Class X level would be considered for evaluation purpose. Further, if the marks obtained under Class X, Class XII and Essential Qualification category are given as CGPA, then the same would be converted into percentage and evaluated on the basis of published formula of the institute, to be provided by the candidate. Wherever formula for conversion of CGPA into percentage is not given/ available, then the generic formula prescribed by AICTE would be used.
b. Marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM) (in combination or alone where not available) would be considered for evaluation at 10+2 (Intermediate) stage. For e.g. if a candidate had only one subject out of PCM, then marks obtained in that subject would only be considered for evaluation. Similarly, if a candidate has different combination of subjects like PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), then marks obtained in Physics and Chemistry would only be considered for evaluation.
c. A candidate who fulfills the eligibility criteria, with multiple educational qualifications (e.g. a candidate with B.E/ B.Tech and M.E/ M.Tech), would have the option to offer marks of anyone eligible qualification for the purpose of awarding marks under the category of essential qualifications.
d. Gate score (Marks out of 100) valid on the last date of receiving applications will be considered for evaluation.
e. Required experience in reverse chronological order would be considered for evaluation.
f. In case a candidate qualified the experience criteria based on combined experience in Government and Private organisations, then for marking purpose, period of more than six months would be considered as a complete year, while period of less than six months would be ignored. However, the total number of years considered for evaluation (after such rounding off) should not exceed the experience prescribed for the said post.
g. Candidates possessing M.E/M.Tech/M/Phill Degree would be awarded same marks for higher degree (M.E/ M.Tech,/M.Phill) as prescribed for two years experience for that particular post, however combined marks awarder for higher degree and experience would be restricted to maximum marks of experience for that post.
h. Candidate would be required to indicate the experience gained in the relevant field in about 250 words.
i. Candidates would also be required to submit a Statement of Purpose (SOP) (max 100 words) along with the application form.
j. Shortlisted candidates for second stage (i.e evaluation stage) would be required to upload Educational Qualification Certificates along with Experience Certificates and other documents needed for evaluation.
k. The decision of the Evaluation Committee taken for resolving any issue during the evaluation of the applications would be final
5. How to Apply
i. Before applying, Candidates are advised to go through this advertisement carefully in detail for determining their eligibility as per laid down criteria for the post.
ii. The admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
iii. Candidates can apply ONLINE at https://recruitment-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ between 08/11/2021 (11:30 a.m) and 07/12/2021 (5:30 p.m). No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e-mail identification and active mobile number. The procedure/steps for filling up of applications online is available at https://recruitment-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ under ‘Instructions for Filling Application’ on the main Page.
iv. The application shall be treated complete only if all the mandatory Steps are completed successfully. In case candidate is not able to submit fee by closing date and time, or the application is otherwise incomplete, his/her candidature will summarily be rejected.
v. Applicant can view the Application details from the View/Print Application menu option available in their login. Applicant is required to make sure that „Application Status‟ on application form is “Submitted Successfully” otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected.
vi. Application Fees: The applicants shall pay the Application Fee as indicated in the Table below through online payment mode via application software only:
Category | |
SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates | General and all others |
Rs. 400/- per application | Rs.800/- per application. |
The processing charges towards remittance of Application Fee and service tax, if any, will have to be borne by the candidate. Fee through any other mode like Demand Draft, Pay Order, Cheque or Challan will not be accepted.
Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered of, fabricated and should not suppress any material information. A candidate is liable to be prosecuted for misconduct if during or at any stage of recruitment, he/she has been found guilty of
a. Using unfair means during the examination.
b. Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person.
c. Misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away answer sheet from the examination hall.
d. Resorting to any irregular means in connection with his/her candidature during selection process
e. Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means
Such candidates in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution may also be liable to be: Disqualified from the examination hall
- Debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination/recruitment to be conducted by MeitY, its attached offices and statutory organizations.
i. CITIZENSHIP: A Candidate must be either: (a) a citizen of India, or (b) a subject of Nepal, or (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a Tibetan
refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
ii. The cut-off date for calculating the age as well as completion of eligibility conditions with regard to essential qualifications and
experience will be last date of receiving applications i.e 07/12/2021. The cut of date for completion of all particulars and validity for which marks will be awarded by the evaluation committee will also be be 07/12/2021. The cut off date will remain unchanged even in case of extension of the closing date for submission of applications.
iii. NIELIT will not be responsible in case of incomplete transactions during the online payment process. It is the sole responsibility of the
candidate to ensure that the correct payment of application fee has been made successfully. Application fee once paid is non-refundable. Applicants, in their own interest, should check their eligibility for the post before remitting the application fee. Only qualifications mentioned against each post shall be considered for determining the eligibility.
iv. The candidate applying for both the posts should register only once using their primary email ID and primary mobile number and apply
from the same Registration ID and login for all the posts. In case Registration ID is not same in both the applications submitted, it may lead to rejection of candidature/ allocation of different exam venues.
v. Correspondences in connection with the recruitment will be made by NIELIT through e-mails / sms only on the candidates registered
email-id and mobile number. The candidates must, therefore, regularly check their e-mail / sms. Candidates are also advised to visit the website frequently for latest updates.
vi. The candidate shall submit only one application against each post. Failure to do so may lead to rejection/cancellation of the
i. CITIZENSHIP: A Candidate must be either: (a) a citizen of India, or (b) a subject of Nepal, or (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
ii. The cut-off date for calculating the age as well as completion of eligibility conditions with regard to essential qualifications and
experience will be last date of receiving applications i.e 07/12/2021. The cut of date for completion of all particulars and validity for which marks will be awarded by the evaluation committee will also be be 07/12/2021. The cut off date will remain unchanged even in case of extension of the closing date for submission of applications.
iii. NIELIT will not be responsible in case of incomplete transactions during the online payment process. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the correct payment of application fee has been made successfully. Application fee once paid is non-refundable. Applicants, in their own interest, should check their eligibility for the post before remitting the application fee. Only qualifications mentioned against each post shall be considered for determining the eligibility.
iv. The candidate applying for both the posts should register only once using their primary email ID and primary mobile number and apply from the same Registration ID and login for all the posts. In case Registration ID is not same in both the applications submitted, it may lead to rejection of candidature/ allocation of different exam venues.
v. Correspondences in connection with the recruitment will be made by NIELIT through e-mails / sms only on the candidates registered email-id and mobile number. The candidates must, therefore, regularly check their e-mail / sms. Candidates are also advised to visit the website frequently for latest updates.
vi. The candidate shall submit only one application against each post. Failure to do so may lead to rejection/cancellation of the Applications.
vii. Applicants applying for more than one post should submit separate applications for each post and remit the application fee for each post separately.
viii. If at any point of time it is found that the information furnished by the candidate was incorrect in any respect or forged /fabricated documents were presented by any candidate, his/her candidature will be cancelled and in case the candidate has already joined the post, his services shall be summarily terminated.
ix. Each candidate shall affix his/her recent colour passport size photograph (of size 3.5 cms x 4.5 cms) on a White Paper and then append his/her signatures with Black/Blue Pen in another box of 3.5 cms x 1.5cms below the photograph on the same Paper. Scan the above photo and signature in a single file in JPG format of size not more than 50 KB and upload the same at appropriate space provided in the on-line Application Form. Each candidate has to upload scanned copy of Signature separately also at appropriate space.
x. Each candidate has to upload scanned copy of Govt. issued Identity card i.e Aadhar Card/ PAN card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Bank Passbook with photo/ Govt issued ID card, Category certificate/EWS Certificate if applicable, PWD Certificate if applicable, Class 10th Date of Birth Certificate and Marks card of essential qualification at the time of submitting application.
xi. Candidate shall have eligibility qualification complete in all respects by cut-off date. Qualifications obtained through Open Universities/Distance Education mode that are approved by DEC and wherever necessary, by AICTE, are recognized for the purpose of employment under Central Government vide Gazette Notification No. 44 dated 1st March 1995.
xii. In case the percentage of marks is not indicated in the Mark Sheets/Certificates/Degree, conversion formula of the grades/ score to percentage duly authenticated by the concerned university/Board for the relevant year will be provided by the candidate
xiii. Before final submission of the on-line Application Form, the candidates must go through the same carefully. It shall be noted that Incomplete / Incorrect application form will be summarily rejected.
xiv. After submitting the ONLINE Application Form, the candidate should take the printout of Application form having application number and other details. This application number should be referred in all future correspondence with NIELIT in connection with this recruitment process.
xv. Candidates applying for the post of Scientist ‘C’ and Scientist ‘D’ and working with Central Govt./ State Govt./PSU/Autonomous bodies have to furnish ‘NOC‟ at the time of interview. The ‘NOC’ should also confirm that no disciplinary/Vigilance case is either pending or contemplated.
xvi. Withdrawal of candidature on account of non furnishing of any information will not confer any right to carry forward or retain the candidature for future recruitment.
xvii. No request for change in particulars furnished in application form shall be entertained/ permitted and the particulars provided by the applicant in the online application form will be taken as final.
xviii. NO TA/DA shall be paid for attending the written test / interview.
xix. For any technical problem related to online submission of application form /downloading of admit card/ interview Call Letter , please send e-mail to recruit[email protected] mentioning Post applied and advertisement number in the subject. No other query will
be entertained.
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