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Junior Research Fellow | Research Associate-1

NIH Jobs | Junior Research Fellow | Resource Person | Research Associate

NIH Jobs | Junior Research Fellow | Resource Person | Research Associate

Job Description (Junior Research Fellow | Research Associate-I)

Advertisement for the selection of Junior Research Fellow, Resource Person (Junior) & Research Associate-I through Walk-in Interview for the following NIH, Study and Projects.

  Sl. No.  Project/Sub-Project and Division Title  Designation  No. of Post  Duration  Qualification  Emoluments per monthDate, time & place of interview
1.Project         titled Hydrological Assessment        of Ungauged               Basins (Aghanashini, Dasanakatte,      Sita Nadi, Madisala Hole, Swana                Nadi   and Gurupur           River Basins) of the West Flowing Rivers in the Western Ghat Region of Karnataka”Junior Research Fellow01Initially for August, 2024 (likely to be extended futher for one year)Junior Research Fellow Essential: M.E/M.Tech in Civil/Water Resources Engineering,Hydrology, Soil & Water Conservation Engg., Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing Geo-informatics or equivalent. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc. Desirable: Good knowledge of Hydrological modeling and Time Series data analysis in Python Programming; Remote Sensng and GIS works.Rs. 37,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 22.01.2024 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
2.Project titled Assessment of glacier climate functional relationships across the India Himalayan region through long term            network observations”Junior Research Fellow01Initially for one year (likely to be extended futher)Junior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geo- informatics. OR M.Tech in Civil Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Remote Sensing & GIS/Water Resource Engineering. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc. Desirable: Experience in Snow Glacier Dynamics, Snowmelt and Glacier Melt Runoff Modeling, Remote Sensing and GIS applications, python Programming 2.   To    carry    out    field    and    laboratory investigations for River Hindon Basin.Rs. 37,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 22.01.2024 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
3.Project titled Satellite Based Mountain Hazard Assessment and Monitoring in Uttarakhand”Junior Research Fellow01Initially for Six months (likely to be extended futher)Junior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Geo-informatics. OR M.Tech in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Applied Geology, Water Resource Engineering, RS & GIS, Geo-informatics, Soil & Water Conservation Engg. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc. Nature of work: Experience in Snow Glacier Dynamics, Snowmelt and Glacier Melt Runoff Modeling, Remote Sensing and GIS applications, python ProgrammingTo carry out field and laboratory investigations for River Hindon Basin.Rs. 37,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 22.01.2024 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
4.Studt on Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau for “Centre                          for cryosphere                               and climate                    change studies”Research Associate-I01Initially for one year (likely to be extended futher)Research Associate-I Essential: Ph.D in Hydrology, Geology, Earth Sciences/Civil engineering/Water Resources Engineering/Geo-informatics/Agricultural Engineering. OR M.E./M.Tech. in Hydrology,Geology, Earth Sciences/Civil Engg./Water Resources Engg. /Remote Sensing & GIS/Agricultural Engg. and having 3 years of research experience after M.E/M.Tech, with at least one research paper in SCI journal Preference will be given to NET/GATE (CSIR/UGC,ICAR, ICMR etc.) qualified candidates) Desirable: Experience in Snow-Glacier Dynamics, Snowmelt and Glacier Melt Runoff Modeling, Remore Sensing and GIS applications, Python Programming.Rs.58,000/-p.m+ HRA              (as applicable)Dated 19.01.2024 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
5.Technical CellResource Person (Junior)01One yearResource Person (Junior) Essential: M.Sc. /M.E./ M.Tech. in Environmental/ Bio Sciences/ Hydrology/Water resources/ Soil & Water.   Note: Preference will be given to persons with higher/additional qualifications, research experience with UNESCO programs in hydrology& water resources, published papers in the relevant field.   Job description: To perform all scientific and administrative   duties   of    Technical    Cell viz. INC-IHP Secretariat, ISO, Training Cell, IPR, Annual Report, etc.   Experience: Minimum 5 years in similar requisite tasksRs.20,000/-                        to 40,000/-p.m.   + Rs.   1,500/-p.m. as                local conveyanceDated 19.01.2024 02.30 PM at NIH, Roorkee

General conditions:

  1. Professionals with requisite qualifications and experience as prescribed would be eligible for the appointment of above posts.
  2. Selected candidates would be engaged for a fixed period for providing high quality services to the Institute for attending to specific and time-bound jobs.
  3. The appointment would be on Full-time basis and they would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of Consultancy with the NIH.

Note: Candidates before appearing for the Walk-in-Interview shall ensure that they are eligible (in the required field) for the position they intend to apply. Out station candidates are required to make their own boarding and lodging arrangement at Roorkee.

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